Our Beautiful Harbour
There's times when you can't help but think how lucky we are to live on the greatest harbour in the world. This is a shot of the moon...
Pre Purchase Inspection
Today we did a prepurchase inspection on a Folkboat for a lovely couple who are in the process of buying the vessel through a broker. We...
Boat Lesson Time
William is down on the Georges River today helping a client out with a few boating lessons. The client just bought this Tahoe speedboat....
A Day on the Island
Our skippers don't just drive private vessels. Here's William operating the water taxi for 'The Island', one of Sydney's most exclusive...
Close Quarters
For Australia Day William was operating his favourite vessel, a beautiful rigid hull inflatable SACS Strider. SACS is an Italian company...
New Year's Eve on the Best Harbour in the World
If you've never done New Year's Eve on Sydney Harbour you are missing out on a truly magical experience. While driving a vessel on New...